Food Business Licensing

A woman buys a pre-made salad at a grocery store.

The Department currently issues licenses to a variety of food-based businesses or establishments in New York State. The type of licenses issued are dependent on the food processing done at the establishment. Licenses can range from complex operations associated with the manufacturing, processing, handling, rendering, and/or packaging of various types of food, to the storing or sale of closed/sealed foods and beverages.

If you are seeking a license for a food service establishment, read below to determine what kind of establishment you have and what kind of license you need.

Food Processor

Article 20-C Food Processing Establishment licenses apply to food manufactures, processing plants, wholesale bakeries, and retail food establishments (i.e. grocery stores) that conduct any type of food preparation including but not limited to meat and cheese slicing, heating foods, sandwich making, operating beverage dispensing machines, and preparing sushi, salad bars, or other ready-to-eat exposed food packaging activity.

If your establishment processes food through one of the methods below, you need an Article 20-C Food Processing Establishment license. Note: this list is not exhaustive.