New text is in bold GREEN underlined Serif text like this sentence.
Deleted portions are struck through RED italic text like this sentence.
To see the requirements, without the changes highlighted, Click here .
For the previous requirements, Click here .
A version of the note before requirement 1 was formerly included in each year's edition of Scouts BSA Requirements as a general note for all advancements. That note referred specifically to the requirements and the effective dates which were included in that book. In 2021, since BSA discontinued publishing the Scouts BSA Requirements book, the note was included as an introductory note for each set of rank requirements.
These rank requirements are official as of Jan. 1, 2021. If a Scout has started work toward a rank before that date using requirements that were current before Jan. 1, 2021, except as noted below, the Scout may complete that rank using the old requirements. Any progress toward a rank that is begun after Jan. 1, 2021, must use the requirements as they are presented on this webpage.
Name of Merit Badge | Date Earned | |
(Eagle required) | _________________________ | _________________________ |
(Eagle required) | _________________________ | _________________________ |
(Eagle required) | _________________________ | _________________________ |
_________________________ | _________________________ | |
_________________________ | _________________________ |
Lone Scout.
For Venturers working on Scouts BSA Requirements, replace "troop" with "crew" and "Scoutmaster" with "Crew Advisor."
For Sea Scouts working on Scouts BSA Requirements, replace "troop" with "ship" and "Scoutmaster" with "Skipper."
9 Assistant patrol leader is not an approved position of responsibility for the Star, Life, or Eagle rank.
10 If the board of review does not approve the Scout’s advancement, the decision may be appealed in accordance with Guide to Advancement, topic
The following additional requirements apply to boys registered in the Venturing Program or as Sea Scouts.
Worksheet for use in working on these requirements: | Format | |
Word Format | PDF Format |
Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.
Page updated on: December 02, 2023
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