Agreement Templates

Many University activities involve some element of contracting with organizations and institutions outside the University. It is important for contracts to be developed and managed in ways that maximize benefits to the University, minimize unintended consequences and enable the University to fulfill its contractual obligations, legal, ethical and regulatory requirements.

We have provided templates of several standard agreements for sponsored projects that require guidance from Sponsored Projects Officers when being used:

Upon receipt of a Document Summary Sheet (DSS), we will assist with drafting, review, negotiation and execution. Even though an agreement may be entered into in relation to an individual area (e.g. PI, college, institute), it is ultimately a University agreement and should only be signed by a University authorized official.

Other University Standard Form Contracts

Several University departments also maintain different standard form contracts (or contract "templates") for use by faculty and staff.

The following standard form contracts can be downloaded below.

Required when potential independent contractor is a non-individual legal entity or when the Checklist (above) has determined the individual is an independent contractor.

The ICA is owned by Accounts Payable (AP). Contact AP with any question and Office of General Counsel (OGC) for all requests to negotiate terms on this agreement, except Section 6 Insurance, please contact Risk Management. Department Chairs sign ICA's not OSP, even when a sponsored project is involved. Purchasing processes these agreements.