Georgia Open Records Explainer

The Georgia Open Records Act (GORA or the Act) is a state law, found at Section 50-18-70 to Section 50-18-78 of the Official Code of Georgia (OCGA), that requires state agencies to make governmental records available for inspection and copying by the public.

2. Who can make a request?

Any individual, corporation, or other entity such as a non-profit organization can make a request for public records under GORA, even if they are not a resident of Georgia. [i]

3. Do you need to include an explanation of why you are filing your request?

Practice Tip: While the purpose is not relevant to your request, providing a purpose for your request may still be helpful in potentially getting discounts on fees. In some cases, providing a purpose can also be useful if you are doing public advocacy around the filing of your GORA request.

4. Which government officials or agencies can you request records from?