Except for “exempt” records (see below), “public records” includes:
- d ocuments, papers, letters, computer based or generated information, data, or similar material that are prepared, maintained, or received by an agency, and
- records that are maintained or received by a private person or entity in the performance of a service or function for or on behalf of agovernmentagency, or have been transferred to a private person or entity by an agency for storage or future governmental use[iv] -- for example, a private company that stores boxes of records for the Georgia Department of Labor.
Practice Tip: Get creative with the types of records you request—emails, text messages, maps, videos—and the agencies you request them from.
6. What types of records are “exempt” from being disclosed to you?
- The Act identifies many categories of records as records that are not available under—or that are “exempt” from—the Act for the public’s inspection and/or copying—i.e., records that federal law requires must be kept confidential; medical or veterinary records; certain employment records of certain public employees; and law enforcement records in pending investigations. [v]
- But these “exemptions” are to be applied narrowly, meaning the exemption should not be extended to apply to records not specifically identified as exempt. [vi]
- You can find a full list of these exemptions at RCFP’s Open Records Guide: https://www.rcfp.org/open-government-guide/georgia/ .
7. What is the cost? Can you get a fee waiver?
- charge reasonable costs for their time spent searching for and producing the requested records;
- not charge more than the hourly salary of the lowest paid full-time employee who has the necessary skills to perform the request;
- not charge for the first 15 minutes of a search;[vii]and
- charge up to 10¢ per page for copies or the “actual cost” of copies electronically delivered records (e.g., a flash drive).[viii]
Practice Tip: Although the Act doesn’t prohibit or require fee waivers, we recommend that you still ask for a waiver based on your economic status and/or the public interest nature of your request, if applicable.
8. How and where do you make a request?
Requests should be made orally or in writing to an agency’s designated open records officer. If there’s a designated open records officer, that information must be on an agency’s website or provided upon request.
- Written requests may be made by email, fax, or another method the agency regularly uses, such as an online portal.[ix]
- Note that any oral requests cannot be enforced in court. [x]
Requests for electronic messages (i.e., email, text message, or other format) should contain information about the messages that will help the agency find the records, i.e., name, title, or office of person(s) whose messages are sought and databases to be searched. [xi]
9. What is the process and timeline once a request is submitted?
- Agencies are required to produce records within 3 business days of receipt of a request;
- If there are some records they cannot produce until after 3 days, agencies must produce whatever records it can in 3 days and provide the requester with a description and timeline for delivering the rest. [xii]
- If an agency withholds any record, within 3 business days it must notify the requester of the legal basis in the Act for not producing, known as an “exemption” (see above). [xiii]
- If the estimated cost of production will be more than $25, agencies must notify the requester within 3 business days and can defer production until the requester agrees to pay the estimated cost—unless the requester already indicated a willingness to pay the $25 amount.
- For digital or electronic records or data, you can request printouts or electronic copies. [xiv]
- A responding agency can also provide access via a public website, but the data on the site must still be in its original format, if you request. [xvi]
Practice Tip: As a best practice, requesters should specify the desired format for documents to be delivered, understanding that the agency may not need to comply.
10. What if an agency denies your request?
- Unlike the federal Freedom of Information Act and some other state open records law, there is no administrative appeals process under the GORA.
- It is not necessary you do so, but you can try and enter into mediation with the agency to resolve any denials or disputes regarding your request here: https://law.georgia.gov/open-government-mediation-program
- You can sue in Georgia superior court to get the agency to comply with the Act, [xv] but only for requests made in writing. [xvi]
- The GORA does not give the time period in which you must file a lawsuit, but there’s a suggestion that you file within two years of the agency’s violation of the Act. [xvii]
Other Resources:
- Reporters’ Comm. for Freedom of the Press, Georgia Open Government Guide
- MuckRock Guide: https://www.muckrock.com/place/united-states-of-america/georgia/