Strata depreciation report requirements

Under B.C.'s Strata Property Act and regulations, all strata corporations with five or more strata lots must obtain depreciation reports. Strata corporations may no longer defer getting a depreciation report by holding an annual 3/4 vote. Strata corporations will have time to meet this requirement.

Purpose of depreciation reports

Strata corporations are legally required to repair and maintain common property. A depreciation report tells a strata corporation what common property and assets it has and the projected maintenance, repair and replacement costs over a 30-year time span.

Common property is not just buildings. Common property and assets can also include landscaping, roads, recreational amenities and many other items. All strata corporations including bare land strata corporations (sometimes referred to as “strata subdivisions”) with five or more strata lots will also have to obtain depreciation reports on a five-year cycle. Bare land strata corporations are usually responsible for the long-term repair and maintenance of subdivision infrastructure including roads, water, electricity, and sewage.

The depreciation report helps strata lot owners protect their homes and investments and avoid being surprised by unexpected special levies. The report also provides valuable information to prospective buyers, mortgage and insurance providers.

Overview : updated depreciation report regulations

Effective July 1, 2024, the Province has strengthened requirements for strata depreciation reports as per OIC 204-2024 (deposited April 22, 2024).